Upskill to Next.js
Traditional .NET MVC teams may need upskilling to learn more modern development frameworks like React and Next.js. There are some options on frameworks for XM Cloud but the recommended approach is Next.js to use all functionality.
Learn about serverless hosting
Serverless hosting management provides a lot of improvements to the DevOps flow but may require traditional operations team to learn how to adapt their current policies and procedures to adapt to a more modern approach to hosting applications.
Remove CMS customizations
Sitecore XP is often heavily customized by developers but Sitecore does not recommend doing this level of customization directly in XM Cloud. A configuration and webhook strategy for integrations is preferred over deploying code directly to XM Cloud.
Many teams will need to remove their customizations to prepare for a migration, often moving it to the Next.js application or a separate app
Just a small note here that a lot of old builds are on TDS and Unicorn. If you are running XP Headless, that’s totally fine, but on XM Cloud it’s Sitecore Content Serialization (SCS) or bust. There are some hacky ways to get Unicorn to work, but not at all recommended by Sitecore. So this means planning for a change in the dev flow around serialized content.